Introduction Of Galapagos
The Galapagos Islands are a unique and delicate ecosystem, so tourism is strictly regulated to protect this natural wonder. Though this involves more paperwork than a typical holiday, a bit of preparation can make the process simple and enjoyable.

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For most travelers with Think Galapagos, our local team handles all paperwork in advance. Our bilingual guides manage airport transfers, assist with administrative tasks, and ensure smooth navigation through It migration control procedures, including check-in for your flights.
In recent years, however, we’ve noticed that more guests prefer organizing their own travel before joining our It tours. This guide is tailored for those independent travelers, as well as anyone else planning to visit the It on their own.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your trip to the It and make the journey as smooth as possible.
Flights to the Galapagos Islands
The only way to reach the Galapagos is by daily flights from Quito or Guayaquil, the two main cities in Ecuador. LATAM and Avianca are the two airlines that operate these flights, with morning departures from Quito and Guayaquil to either Baltra Island or San Cristobal Island, the two main airports in the It. The airport you fly into will depend on the cruise or tour you are joining.
Preparations Before Traveling to the Galapagos
Before your trip, you’ll need to be aware of two important fees: the It Transit Control Card (TCT), which costs $20 per person, and the Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee, which is $200 per adult and $100 per child (as of August 2024).
The Galapagos Transit Control Card (TCT)
The TCT is an immigration control measure established by the Ecuadorian government to track visitors to the islands. This card acts as your personal ID for the duration of your stay. You will need to present it when boarding your flight to the Galapagos, upon arrival, and when departing the islands.
How to Obtain Your Galapagos Transit Control Card
- Pre-register online and pick it up at the airport: You can pre-register for your TCT online through the Ecuadorian government’s official website. We highly recommend doing this in advance to save time. You’ll need to provide personal details, including your name, passport number, flight details, and duration of stay. Once pre-registered, you can collect your TCT at the airport on the day of your flight, where you’ll need to present your passport and pay the $20 fee in cash.
- Register and purchase at the airport: If you prefer, you can register and purchase the TCT directly at the airport in Quito or Guayaquil before checking in for your flight. Be sure to bring your passport and flight reservation. Plan to arrive early, as the process may involve queues. It’s recommended to allow at least three hours before departure.
SICGAL Luggage Inspection
After collecting your TCT, you’ll need to visit the SICGAL counter, where your luggage will be inspected for any prohibited items, such as seeds, fruits, or plants. This measure helps protect the islands from non-native species that could harm the delicate ecosystem. Be sure to only pack pre-wrapped snacks, and avoid carrying any fresh foods or plant materials.
Once your bags pass inspection, you’ll receive an approval label to attach to your luggage. You can then proceed to check in with your airline.
Arrival in the Galapagos: Migration Control and National Park Fees
Upon arriving at either Baltra or San Cristobal airports, you’ll go through migration control. The airports are small, and all passengers follow the same procedures, so it’s easy to find your way.
Next, you’ll need to pay the t National Park Entrance Fee at the designated desk. Starting in August 2024, the fee will be $200 per adult and $100 per child, and must be paid in cash. Be sure to carry enough cash for every member of your group. You’ll also need to present your Galapagos Transit Control Card during this process.
The funds raised through the National Park Entrance Fee are used to preserve the unique flora and fauna of the islands and improve services like sanitation and environmental protection.
Enjoy Your Stay
Once these steps are complete, you’re all set to enjoy the natural beauty and rich biodiversity of the It Islands! Whether you’re embarking on a cruise or staying on land, you can explore the islands knowing that these protective measures are in place to preserve this extraordinary environment for generations to come.