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Best Dance of Modi, Turn Up AI Heat in India Election

Introduction Of Modi

As India, the world’s most populous democracy, navigates its mammoth general election, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken center stage in a surprising and controversial way. AI-generated videos featuring prominent political figures, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his rival Mamata Banerjee, have sparked both amusement and concern, highlighting the double-edged sword of this burgeoning technology in the electoral process.


AI Creativity Amid Election Frenzy

In a viral AI video, an ecstatic Narendra Modi, dressed in a trendy jacket and trousers, is seen grooving energetically on stage to a popular Bollywood song, with the crowd cheering him on. Modi reshared the video on X (formerly Twitter), remarking, “Such creativity in peak poll season is truly a delight.” His light-hearted response encapsulated the novelty and entertainment value that AI can bring to election campaigns.

Contrastingly, another AI video portrays Mamata Banerjee dancing in a saree-like outfit, but with a twist—the background score features snippets of her speeches criticizing party defectors. This video has not been received as warmly; state police have initiated an investigation, concerned about its potential to disturb public order.

A Double-Edged Sword

The disparate reactions to these AI-generated videos underscore a growing apprehension among regulators and security officials. The ease of creating realistic AI videos, with intricate details like shadow and hand movements, poses a significant risk, especially in a country where digital literacy varies widely among its 1.4 billion citizens. Misinformation, already a grave issue, can now spread at an unprecedented pace, potentially igniting sectarian tensions during a highly charged election season.

A January survey by the World Economic Forum emphasized this concern, identifying misinformation as a greater risk to India than infectious diseases or illicit economic activities over the next two years. “India is already at a great risk of misinformation— with AI in picture, it can spread at the speed of 100X,” warned Sagar Vishnoi, a New Delhi-based consultant advising political parties on AI utilization.

Regulatory Challenges

The 2024 national election, running over six weeks and concluding on June 1, marks the first extensive use of AI in campaign strategies. Initially, AI’s application seemed benign, with politicians using the technology to personalize campaign content. However, the landscape shifted dramatically with high-profile cases of misuse, including deepfakes of Bollywood actors criticizing Modi and fake clips implicating his aides, resulting in arrests.

In response, India’s Election Commission has cautioned political parties against using AI to disseminate misinformation. It highlighted existing laws that could impose up to three years of imprisonment for offenses like forgery, rumor-mongering, and inciting enmity. Yet, a senior national security official admitted that the government’s capacity to monitor and counteract AI-driven misinformation is insufficient. The rapidly evolving AI landscape outpaces the current monitoring infrastructure, making it challenging to keep up.

Global and Local Context

The dilemma faced by India mirrors global trends, with AI and deepfakes becoming common tools in elections worldwide, including in the U.S., Pakistan, and Indonesia. The proliferation of AI-generated content in India illustrates the formidable challenges faced by authorities in managing this new frontier.

For years, an Indian IT ministry panel has been authorized to block content that threatens public order. During this election, hundreds of officials are dedicated to identifying and removing problematic content. However, their efforts are often stymied by the vast and decentralized nature of social media platforms.

Public and Official Reactions

Modi’s humorous take on his AI dancing video, saying, “I also enjoyed seeing myself dance,” contrasts sharply with the serious stance taken by Kolkata police. They have launched an investigation into the user SoldierSaffron7, who shared the Banerjee video. Despite a formal notice demanding the video’s removal, the user remained defiant, asserting, “I am not deleting that, no matter what happens.”

Another contentious AI video shows Banerjee in a clip from the movie “The Dark Knight,” digitally altered to depict her blowing up a hospital. Despite West Bengal police deeming it a violation of Indian IT laws, the platform X has not acted, citing a commitment to free speech. The user behind this video also expressed indifference to the legal notice


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