World News

Who Is Still Using a Pager in 2024?

Introduction Of Pager

It, once the hallmark of essential communication for professionals like doctors, journalists, and emergency workers from the 1980s to the late 1990s, may seem like relics of a bygone era. Yet, in 2024, these simple and reliable devices remain in use, particularly in specialized fields across the UAE and globally, according to experts interviewed by Khaleej Times.


Why It Haven’t Disappeared

Although pagers have been largely supplanted by smartphones and mobile phones in everyday life, their enduring utility lies in their simplicity, security, and independence from public telecommunications networks.

Dubai-based IT security expert Rayad Kamal Ayub, managing director of Rayad Group, explains, “Pagers are generally deemed safe because they are not connected to public networks like PSTN (public switched telephone network).” Instead, a paging service operates through a privately owned system, separate from the vulnerabilities associated with internet or cellular-based communications. This independence makes them useful in environments where mobile signals may be unreliable or susceptible to hacking.

Furthermore, pagers leave behind a minimal electronic footprint, making them less prone to surveillance. Since pagers work via radio frequency transmission, they bypass the internet or cellular networks altogether, offering a secure backup for communication, especially when mobile phone systems fail.

The Lebanon Incident: The Dark Side of It

However, even pagers are not without risks. According to Ayub, while pagers are typically safe, they can be manipulated if tampered with prior to delivery. He notes that in certain cases, such as an incident in Lebanon, pagers were converted into IEDs (improvised explosive devices). This has raised concerns over security vulnerabilities, but these incidents remain isolated and do not reflect the typical usage of pagers.

The tragic blasts in Lebanon, which killed 12 people and injured thousands more, shocked the global community. Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, has since called for accountability regarding these incidents, emphasizing the need to ensure that such devices are manufactured and distributed safely.

It in Niche Industries

Despite their seemingly outdated technology, pagers continue to be useful in specific industries, particularly in the healthcare sector. In environments like hospitals, where reliability and immediate communication are crucial, pagers remain invaluable. Dr. Rex Bacarra, a university professor of Philosophy and Ethics based in Abu Dhabi, emphasizes their utility in delivering critical short messages in areas with limited cellphone coverage.

Bacarra notes that while he last used a pager 25 years ago, he is not surprised to learn of their continued relevance. “Pagers are still relevant in some specific industries due to their simplicity and the ability to work in areas with low signal,” Bacarra explains. For instance, in hospitals, they are often used to summon doctors to emergencies, ensuring seamless and immediate communication even when mobile phones may not function reliably.

Security, Safety, and the Future of It

Although mobile phones now dominate global communication, pagers have distinct advantages, particularly when it comes to safety and reliability. Unlike smartphones, which can face issues like overheating or battery explosions, as seen in the Samsung battery incidents, pagers have minimal power requirements and do not pose similar risks.

That being said, It also have limitations. Messages sent through pagers are not encrypted, making them more susceptible to interception than messages sent through digital phones. However, these limitations are generally outweighed by the benefits of their continued use in specific environments, where reliability and security are paramount.

Ayub stresses the importance of purchasing It and other electronics from trusted sources, advising consumers to avoid grey market products that may have been tampered with. “We should buy our electronics from a known source and not from the grey market without warranties or source of inventory,” he warns.


In 2024, while It are no longer a staple of everyday communication, they have not vanished entirely. Their continued use in the UAE and other parts of the world can be attributed to their reliability, simplicity, and security. In industries where constant communication is critical—such as healthcare—It remain an essential tool. However, as technology continues to evolve, the question remains: how long will pagers continue to serve these niche roles before they are eventually overtaken by more advanced, secure communication tools?

For now, the answer is clear: in the right circumstances, It still offer a unique set of advantages that make them indispensable, even in 2024.


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