
Governor Newsom on California AI Bill SB

Introduction Of Governor

California Governor Gavin Newsom finds himself at a crossroads as he contemplates the fate of SB 1047, a proposed law aimed at regulating artificial intelligence (AI) systems to prevent potential disasters. As he weighs his options, Newsom has made clear that while he understands the need for AI regulation, the stakes are high for both public safety and the state’s thriving tech industry. SB 1047 is one of 38 AI-related bills awaiting his signature, but it stands out as the most controversial.


The Heart of SB 1047: Liability for Catastrophes

SB 1047, spearheaded by California legislators, aims to prevent catastrophic events caused by AI systems. Its primary mechanism involves holding major AI vendors liable for damages if their systems are involved in events that result in mass casualties or damage exceeding $500 million. This bill comes as the state grapples with both the benefits and risks of rapid AI advancements, from concerns about critical infrastructure vulnerabilities to long-term ethical considerations. Governor

However, Newsom is openly skeptical about the bill’s approach. Speaking at Salesforce’s Dreamforce conference, he acknowledged that while AI regulation is essential, the sweeping nature of SB 1047 could have unintended consequences. Specifically, he worries about its impact on California’s vibrant AI industry and the innovation culture that has positioned the state as a global leader in technology.

“We’ve been working over the last couple years to come up with some rational regulation that supports risk-taking, but not recklessness,” Newsom explained during his on-stage conversation with Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. “That’s challenging now in this space, particularly with SB 1047, because of the sort of outsized impact that legislation could have, and the chilling effect, particularly in the open-source community.” Governor

Balancing Risks: Demonstrable vs. Hypothetical

At the core of Newsom’s hesitation lies a dilemma: How does one regulate the unknown? The governor pointed out that SB 1047 attempts to prevent hypothetical AI-related disasters—events that, while possible, have not yet materialized. At the same time, the bill does little to address the more immediate, demonstrable risks AI presents, such as the use of deepfakes, privacy violations, or misinformation campaigns. Governor

This focus on preventing extreme, rare events has been a key criticism of SB 1047. Critics argue that the bill could stifle innovation by placing an undue burden on AI companies without effectively addressing the AI challenges society is currently facing.

“I can’t solve for everything. What can we solve for?” Newsom said, reflecting on the complexity of regulating an evolving technology with far-reaching implications. His comments echo the broader debate over whether tech regulation should focus on short-term, visible risks or take a more precautionary approach to avert long-term disasters.

Treading Carefully: California’s Leadership in AI

Newsom’s decision on SB 1047 is being watched closely, not just within California but globally, as the state is seen as a bellwether for tech regulation. California has previously taken the lead in areas like data privacy and social media regulation, filling gaps left by the federal government’s inaction. As Newsom himself acknowledged, California’s leadership in AI regulation is critical, especially given the federal government’s failure to provide clear guidance.

“[AI] is a space where we dominate, and I want to maintain our dominance,” Newsom said. At the same time, he emphasized the need for responsibility, noting that even the most fervent AI advocates recognize the technology’s potential dangers.

By mentioning the risk of enacting the wrong legislation over time, Newsom is signaling his caution in making decisions that could have lasting consequences for California’s tech ecosystem. While he believes the disruptive impact of SB 1047 has been overstated, he is aware that getting AI regulation wrong could weaken California’s competitive edge in the long run.

Mixed Reactions: Industry and Experts Weigh In

The debate over SB 1047 has polarized stakeholders in the tech industry and the AI research community. Large tech companies, including OpenAI and other major industry players, are lobbying hard for a veto, warning that the bill could discourage AI development and hurt California’s global AI leadership. Tech giants and trade groups, including the United States Chamber of Commerce, argue that holding vendors liable for how their systems are used—even in catastrophic events—is an overly broad and impractical solution.

On the other hand, prominent AI researchers, including Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, have endorsed SB 1047, arguing that stronger safeguards are essential as AI becomes more integrated into critical systems. Elon Musk and Anthropic, a leading AI safety company, have also shown tepid support for the bill, reflecting concerns about AI’s unchecked growth.

Newsom’s Next Move

Governor Newsom has yet to make a final decision on SB 1047, telling the Los Angeles Times that he is still weighing the arguments from both sides. His recent signing of five other AI-related bills, addressing immediate risks such as AI-generated misinformation and the use of AI in Hollywood, may offer a glimpse into his thinking. These measures focus on the tangible, short-term problems associated with AI, reflecting his preference for addressing “demonstrable risks.”

As Newsom considers SB 1047, he faces a ticking clock. With just two weeks left to decide, the future of AI regulation in California—and potentially beyond—rests in his hands.

Conclusion: Charting a Path Forward

Governor Newsom’s deliberation over SB 1047 highlights the difficult balancing act of regulating AI. The bill’s emphasis on preventing worst-case scenarios contrasts with Newsom’s preference for addressing the more immediate challenges AI poses today. As California continues to lead on tech policy, the governor’s decision will have significant implications for the state’s role in shaping the future of AI—both in terms of innovation and responsibility.


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